Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) CareSheet

Buy Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid The Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) is a deep-water Tanganyikan that develops to be bigger than most other cichlids found in the huge rift lake. In the lake, it enjoys gloomy, deep, motionless waters, and it prefers the similar circumstances in the aquarium. Unlike other frontosas, which have vertical striping, this tank-bred version has been engineered to show off excellent marbling. In the aquarium hobby, this variety is still very new and scarce. Compare Black Widow Frontosa with other Cynhotilapia species such as Cyphotilapia gibberosa and Burundi Frontosa Cichlid.

In an aquarium with stacks of rocks that resemble caves, the Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid will flourish. The optimum substrate for this species is sand. It is advisable to keep it in groups since it is a sociable species. Individuals of this species, unlike many Tanganyikan cichlids, do not create separate territories per se, but there is a clear hierarchy within each group, necessitating the provision of shelter for subdominant fish (particularly males) to flee from alpha males. During spawning, territoriality is usually at its height. The Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid should not be housed with dwarf shrimp or other tiny, sensitive invertebrates. Tanganyikan cichlids that are too big to be considered prey make ideal tankmates. If spawning is desired, other species should be kept to a minimum or avoided entirely unless the aquarium is large enough with enough of cover and aquascaping. Check out information on Night Star Frontosa Cichlid here.

The uncomplicated Black Widow Frontosa Cichlid is easy to feed. This species should not be fed dry items entirely since quality and diversity are the keys to a diet that will guarantee that it maintains maximum health and color. It is largely a carnivore, although it needs some vegetable flake food in its diet as well. Freeze dried plankton, frozen, and live meaty items of high quality are welcomed and consumed readily.

Requirements for keeping Cyphotilapia frontosa

Temperature: 73.5° - 81° F
pH: 8.0 - 9.0
KH: 9 - 25 dKH
Minimum tank size: 180 gallons for a group of adults
Origin: Indigenous to Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Average adult size: 8 - 10 inches

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Black Widow Frontosa Cichlids