Night Star Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) CareSheet

Buy Night Star Frontosa Cichlid The Night Star Frontosa Cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) is a deep-water Tanganyikan that grows larger than most other cichlids in this vast rift lake. In its natural habitat, it thrives in dim, deep, still waters, and prefers similar conditions in the aquarium. Unlike other Frontosas with vertical barring, this tank-bred variety has been selectively bred to display stunning marbled patterns. This fish remains relatively new and uncommon in the aquarium hobby.

Thriving Environment:

The Night Star Frontosa Cichlid flourishes in an aquarium with rockwork resembling caves. Sand is the ideal substrate for this species. Being a social fish, it's best kept in groups. Unlike many Tanganyikan cichlids, they don't establish strict territories individually, but there's a clear hierarchy within each group. To allow subordinate fish (especially males) to escape dominant males, provide ample hiding places. Territoriality is most pronounced during spawning.

Tank Mates:

Night Star Frontosa Cichlids shouldn't share space with dwarf shrimp or other small, delicate invertebrates. Ideal tankmates include other Tanganyikan cichlids that are too large to be considered prey. If breeding is a goal, minimize or entirely avoid other species unless the aquarium is spacious with ample hiding spots and aquascaping.


The Night Star Frontosa Cichlid is a relatively easy fish to feed. Avoid relying solely on dry food; a high-quality and diverse diet is key to maintaining optimal health and vibrant coloration. Although primarily carnivorous, they also require some vegetable flake food. High-quality freeze-dried plankton, frozen, and live meaty foods are readily accepted and enjoyed.

Requirements for keeping Cyphotilapia frontosa

Temperature: 73.5° - 81° F
pH: 8.0 - 9.0
KH: 9 - 25 dKH
Minimum tank size: 180 gallons for a group of adults
Origin: Indigenous to Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Average adult size: 8 - 10 inches

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