Honduran Red Point Breeding is very easy and the fish will start at a very small size

Honduran Red Point Breeding Honduran Red Point cichlids, scientifically known as Amatitlania hondurensis, are a captivating and beloved species within the aquarium hobby. Originating from the freshwater rivers and streams of Honduras in Central America, these cichlids have gained popularity for their vibrant colors, fascinating behavior, and manageable care requirements.

In this overview, we'll explore the distinctive characteristics, natural habitat, and essential care considerations for Honduran Red Point cichlids, shedding light on why they are a favored choice for aquarists of various experience levels.

Breeding the Honduran Red Point

Breeding is very easy and the fish will start at a very small size. When the fish is young it the spawning is relatively small (30-40 eggs), but it does increase with size as the fish mature. The fish will make use of any flat surface to place their eggs, but we have found a clay pot to be the favorite option.

Females tend to have more red on their bellies, and males more red on the tips of their dorsal and anal fins.

Honduran Red Points are very good parents and will guard the fry for about 2 weeks after they become free swimming. Baby brine shrimp are a great first food and the fry will grow very quickly if provided with ample food and regular water changes.

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Quick Facts on Amatitlania hondurensis

- Common Name: Honduran Red Point Cichlid
- Scientific Name: Amatitlania hondurensis
- Species: Hondurensis
- Origin: Native to freshwater rivers and streams of Honduras in Central America
- Size: Typically grow to a length of 4-5 inches (10-12 cm)
- Care Level: Considered relatively easy to care for in the aquarium hobby
- Temperament: Generally peaceful, but can exhibit territorial behavior during breeding
- Diet: Omnivorous, they accept a varied diet consisting of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods, and some vegetable matter
- Minimum Tank Size: A tank of at least 30 gallons is recommended to provide adequate swimming space
- Temperature: Maintain water temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C)
- pH Range: Keep the pH level in the range of 6.5-7.5 to mimic their natural habitat

Honduran Red Point Breeding Video


What is the Honduran Red Point?

The Honduran Red Point is a variety of the freshwater Red Point cichlid native to Central America. It gets its name from the bright red spots on its silvery blue body. It is a popular aquarium fish thanks to its beautiful coloring and peaceful temperament.

What is the natural habitat of the Honduran Red Point?

In the wild, the Honduran Red Point comes from inland rivers and streams on the Caribbean coast of Honduras and Nicaragua. It lives among rocks and plant roots in shady pockets of slow-moving waters.

What do Honduran Red Points eat?

The Honduran Red Point is an omnivore that feeds on small worms, insects, crustaceans, and plant matter in its natural habitat. In home aquariums they readily accept flake and pellet foods as well as blanched vegetables.

How big do Honduran Red Points grow?

In the wild, they reach about 6 inches (15 cm) in length. In captivity, they typically max out around 4-5 inches (10-13 cm) when provided with good care and proper tank conditions.

Are Honduran Red Points easy to care for?

Yes, the Honduran Red Point is quite hardy and makes a good choice for beginner freshwater aquarists. They adapt well to a range of water conditions and are not demanding in terms of diet. A 30 gallon tank is sufficient.

Do they get along with other fish?

Honduran Red Points are peaceful community fish suitable for community aquariums. They can be kept with other similarly-sized tetras, barbs, gouramis, and livebearers. Avoid housing them with aggressive species.