Parachromis dovii for Sale known as the guapote, rainbow bass, or wolf cichlid

Parachromis dovii for Sale Parachromis dovii: The Ferocious Wolf Cichlid. Parachromis dovii, commonly known as the Wolf Cichlid or Dovii Cichlid, is a striking and formidable freshwater fish species that has captured the hearts of experienced aquarium enthusiasts and adventurous aquarists alike. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of Parachromis dovii, exploring its captivating characteristics, care requirements, natural habitat, and more.

Indeed, there are several fascinating aspects to note about Parachromis dovii, commonly known as the Wolf Cichlid. First and foremost is their remarkable size. These cichlids are among the largest freshwater fish species kept in home aquariums, capable of reaching lengths of up to 28 inches (70 cm) or even larger. Their sheer size is a testament to their power and presence in the tank, making them a true centerpiece for experienced aquarists seeking a captivating and challenging fish to care for.

Another intriguing feature of the Wolf Cichlid is their striking appearance. While their base coloration can range from greenish-gray to silver, it's the bold vertical black bars or stripes adorning their sides that truly set them apart. These markings add a sense of contrast and beauty to their formidable demeanor.

However, it's their behavior that often leaves a lasting impression. Parachromis dovii are known for their aggressive and territorial nature, particularly during the breeding season. They are highly protective parents, diligently guarding their nests and fry. This unique parental care behavior showcases their intelligence and social complexity, making them a subject of interest for behavioral studies in the aquarium.

Lastly, their natural habitat in Central America, particularly in countries like Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, offers a rich and diverse ecosystem. Understanding their native environment is crucial for recreating a suitable tank setup that mimics their natural habitat, providing them with hiding spots and structures to explore. While their care may be challenging, the allure of Parachromis dovii lies in the opportunity to observe and appreciate these magnificent cichlids in all their majestic splendor.

Quick Facts on Parachromis dovii

Common Name: Wolf Cichlid

Scientific Name: Parachromis dovii

Species: Cichlid

Origin: Central America, primarily in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

Size: They can reach up to an impressive 28 inches (70 cm) or even larger.

Care Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Temperament: Aggressive and territorial, especially during breeding.

Diet: Carnivorous - their diet primarily consists of smaller fish, insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic prey in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as fish and shrimp, and other protein-rich options.

Minimum Tank Size: A tank of at least 150 gallons or more is recommended for a single Wolf Cichlid to accommodate their size and territorial nature.

Temperature: Maintain a stable temperature range between 76-82°F (24-28°C).

pH Range: Keep the water pH level between 7.5 and 8.5 for their well-being.

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Feeding 20 inch Dovii, wolf cichlid


What are Dovii Cichlids, and what is their scientific name?

Dovii Cichlids, scientifically known as Parachromis dovii, are large and striking freshwater fish native to Central America. They are renowned for their impressive size and captivating appearance.

How large can Dovii Cichlids grow?

Dovii Cichlids can grow impressively large, with males reaching lengths of up to 28 inches (70 cm) or even larger in some cases. They are among the largest cichlid species commonly kept in home aquariums.

What is the recommended tank size for Dovii Cichlids?

A spacious tank is essential for Dovii Cichlids due to their size and territorial behavior. A minimum tank size of 150 gallons or more is recommended to provide them with ample swimming space and accommodate their territorial nature.

What is the temperament of Dovii Cichlids?

Dovii Cichlids are known for their aggressive and territorial nature, especially during the breeding season. They are best kept as solitary fish or with other large, robust tankmates in a spacious setup.

What should Dovii Cichlids be fed?

Dovii Cichlids are carnivorous and require a diet rich in protein. In their natural habitat, they primarily feed on smaller fish, insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic prey. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as fish and shrimp, and other protein-rich options.

What water parameters are ideal for Dovii Cichlids?

Maintain water conditions with a stable temperature range of 76-82°F (24-28°C) and a pH level between 7.5 and 8.5. Moderate water hardness is suitable for their well-being.

Can Dovii Cichlids be kept in a community tank?

Due to their aggressive and territorial behavior, Dovii Cichlids are not typically suitable for community tanks. They are best kept alone or with other large, equally aggressive tankmates in a spacious setup.

How do you breed Dovii Cichlids?

Breeding Dovii Cichlids can be challenging due to their territorial nature. To encourage breeding, provide a separate breeding tank with proper hiding spots. The female will lay eggs, and both parents may guard the nest and fry.

Are Dovii Cichlids suitable for beginners in the aquarium hobby?

Dovii Cichlids are better suited for experienced aquarists who can manage their specific care requirements and potential temperament issues due to their aggressive nature.

Are Dovii Cichlids a threatened species in the wild?

Dovii Cichlids are not classified as threatened or endangered. However, like many freshwater fish, their natural habitats in Central America face environmental challenges, making conservation efforts essential.