Herichthys carpintis is very similar looking to the Hericthys cyanoguttatus, the original Texas Cichlid

Herichthys carpintis EscondidoHerichthys carpintis is very similar looking to the Hericthys cyanoguttatus, the original Texas Cichlid. This colorful cichlid exhibits great parental care and like all fish in the Herichthys genus change from their typical color to an amazing black and white breeding dress. Herichthys carpintis, the lowland cichlid, pearlscale cichlid or green Texas cichlid, is a species of cichlid endemic to Mexico where it occurs in the Panuco River drainage and the Soto La Marina River.

The Green Texas is usually able to be differentiated from the True Texas Cichlid by spotted patterns. True Texas Cichlids generally have a fine spotted pattern whereas the Green Texas has larger blotches on its side. These fish are hybridized in the hobby, so it is important to get a pure line of fish from a reputable shop.

It's important to note that this species is fairly variable throughout its range and that different location variants of this species look quite different. It is therefore important to keep location variants pure and not mix fish from more than one location. To summarize, Herichthys carpintis 'Escondido' is a beautiful and relatively easy cichlid to breed. If you get a chance to purchase these fine fish with the intent of breeding them, I would recommend the following: Start with a sufficient number of fish. I recommend a minimum of four, since they are not easily sexed. As soon as you get a pairing, separate them from the others. Driftwood makes an excellent substrate for breeding and should be in the tank in anticipation of a pairing.

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Carpintis cichlids and others

What is Herichthys carpintis?

Herichthys carpintis, also referred to as the lowland cichlid, is a freshwater fish species native to northeastern Mexico and parts of southern Texas in the United States. It is a medium-sized cichlid that inhabits rivers, streams, and lakes in its natural range. The lowland cichlid gets its name from its preference for warmer, low-elevation waters.

Where is the native range of Herichthys carpintis?

In the wild, Herichthys carpintis is endemic to drainages of the lower Rio Grande River and Rio Panuco basin in northeastern Mexico. It also occurs naturally in some spring-fed rivers in southern Texas near the Mexico border. However, it has been introduced more widely across Texas.

What does Herichthys carpintis eat?

Herichthys carpintis are omnivorous in the wild, feeding on a variety of plant matter, insects, crustaceans, mollusks and other small invertebrates. In aquariums they readily accept a diet of commercial cichlid flakes, pellets, live foods and vegetable matter like spinach.

How big do Herichthys carpintis grow?

In natural habitats, the lowland cichlid typically reaches lengths of 15-20 cm (6-8 inches). Captive fish provided with ideal tank conditions can achieve slightly larger maximum sizes of around 25 cm (10 inches).

What is their typical lifespan?

The average lifespan of Herichthys carpintis is approximately 10 years in captivity. With excellent care, some individuals may live up to 12-15 years. Lifespans are likely shorter in the wild due to natural threats.

Are they easy to keep?

Yes, Herichthys carpintis is generally regarded as one of the more hardy cichlid species, making them a good choice for beginner to intermediate aquarists. They are adaptable to a range of water conditions. A minimum tank size of 55 gallons is recommended.


Herichthys carpintis