Nandopsis haitiensis juveniles for sale that are approximately 1 and a quarter inches long

Nandopsis Haitiensis Cichlid For Sale The Haitiensis cichlid is a large very beautiful cichlid that originated from Haiti where it can be found in local rivers and lakes. This species is also known as "black nasty", "odo cichlid" which indicates something about its temperament! It is widely regarded as one of the most aggressive cichlids in the hobby and is often can be more aggressive than Jaguar and Wolf cichlids. The Black Nasty Cichlid is often kept as a pet fish but it will not come to its full glory unless kept with other equally large and aggressive fish in a community tank. Read more about Black Nasty tankmates here.

Nandopsis haitiensis - An Overview

Nandopsis haitiensis is a species of cichlid native to the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Commonly referred to as the Hispaniolan cichlid, this fish has an elongated, laterally compressed body shape. Its base coloration is a grayish silver speckled with iridescent blue-green spots.

In the wild, Nandopsis haitiensis inhabits weedy rivers, canals, and lakes, often sticking close to the shoreline or sheltering among submerged logs. They are found across Hispaniola, especially in lowland waters. This cichlid is primarily herbivorous, feeding on plant matter and algae.

The Hispaniolan cichlid reaches about 8 inches in length and exhibits slight sexual dimorphism. Males develop a prominent forehead hump during spawning periods. While territorial, especially when breeding, N. haitiensis are not overly aggressive.

In home aquariums, a 50 gallon tank with open swimming space plus plenty of rocks and driftwood for shelter is ideal. They do well in soft, slightly acidic water and appreciate vegetation. Peaceful tank mates of comparable size can be housed with this Caribbean species given sufficient space.

While not yet common in the aquarium trade, Nandopsis haitiensis has potential to gain popularity among cichlid enthusiasts seeking a hardy but less aggressive West Indian cichlid. Their active nature and subtle blue spotting make them attractive aquarium inhabitants.

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Haitiensis Black Nasty Cichlid


What is Nandopsis haitiensis?

Nandopsis haitiensis is a cichlid species endemic to the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Also referred to as the Hispaniolan cichlid, it is named for its limited geographic distribution. This fish has an elongated body with iridescent blue-green spots.

Where are Nandopsis haitiensis found?

In the wild, N. haitiensis is native to rivers, lakes, and ponds throughout the island of Hispaniola, which contains Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They prefer lowland, vegetated waters.

What do Hispaniolan cichlids eat?

Nandopsis haitiensis are primarily herbivores, feeding on plant matter and algae in their natural habitat. In captivity they also accept omnivore flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods.

What size tank do they need?

Nandopsis haitiensis requires at least a 50 gallon aquarium with open swimming space and plenty of rocky shelters or driftwood.

Are they aggressive?

While males can be territorial during breeding periods, Nandopsis haitiensis are generally not highly aggressive. They can be kept with similarly sized, peaceful tankmates.

How big do Hispaniolan cichlids grow?

In most home aquariums, Nandopsis haitiensis reaches about 8 inches (20 cm) in length when mature. Males are slightly larger than females.


Aggressive cichlid. Does the Haitiensis live up to - YouTube
Nandopsis haitiensis, Haitian cichlid : fisheries, aquarium - FishBase
Nandopsis haitiensis - Cichlid Room Companion
Nandopsis haitiensis (Black Nasty) (Odo Cichlid) - Akvaryum